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The School of Greatness
990 The 6 Steps to Happiness, Guaranteed
990 The 6 Steps to Happiness, Guaranteed

990 The 6 Steps to Happiness, Guaranteed

The School of GreatnessGo to Podcast Page

Lewis Howes
13 Clips
Aug 7, 2020
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Episode Transcript
Hey, it's Luis house here. And I have some exciting news for the school
of greatness fans out there
for the first time ever. My entire catalog is available to all podcast subscribers. That's right, almost 1,000 episodes from the past seven years, and now you can have access to each and every one. So after listening to this podcast today, make sure you check out the full School of greatness of back catalogue again only available to subscribers this.
This is 5-minute Friday.
I want to start this episode with a quote from author Margaret talev. Run Beck who said happiness is
not a station you arrive at but a manner of traveling now a couple months ago. I interviewed. Dr. Laurie Santos a psychology professor at Yale and an expert on happiness, and I've been spending a lot of time researching and reflecting on the keys to feeling
content, but dr. Santos
Gave me a life-changing prescription. So I wanted to dive in with six keys to happiness as I know it's been very challenging for so many of these people this year to be happier with so much
uncertainty stress overwhelmed news politics covid all the stuff that's happening right now
uncertainty in the job market
the housing market the stock market what's happening?
It's hard to be happy. So here are six things. You can do every single day to increase your happiness even in spite of
Chaos and uncertainty number one. This is from research. This is from dr. Laurie Santos studying this on a daily basis at Yale who said number one spend time and energy in the right way which means getting off social media and watching stuff all day that's consuming and numbing your mind without a purpose. Stop worrying about perfect grades or that big time job. Stop worrying about all these different things and make real connections don't spend hours and hours on
A day on your screen on your phone. I'm sure if you looked at your screen time, it would say four five six eight hours a day that you spend on the phone. Now, obviously if you're working or if you're doing stuff on social media to help build something, that's okay, but you got to find that time to enjoy Leisure Time also get outside spend quality time with friends play. Some games do something listen to music dance laugh. Enjoy connect. That's what this is all about. It's not about doing the stuff that's going to make you worry.
It's about doing things that bring you more joy. Number two is to Express gratitude. The science is in this now guys gratitude is not just some fluffy personal development catchword. It is science now gratitude has proven to increase happiness and decreased depression. It will automatically make you a happier person. When you Express gratitude more plain and simple number three random acts of kindness. This can be so simple. It can be smiling at a stranger it can be saying
A compliment to a stranger or a neighbor or a friend it can be doing something for someone else picking something up for someone opening the door buying a cup of coffee donating money to charity. It's all proven to improve your happiness. I used to do this when I was broke all the time when I didn't have money I couldn't pay for things for people but I would just do courteous things and say nice compliments and try to create a smile on someone else's face and if you walk around every day saying, how can I make someone else?
I'll you are going to feel so joyful about the act of kindness so find ways to help other people
the school of greatness has been growing dramatically over the past few years. We've hired new full-time producers launched a second YouTube channel optimize our Inner Circle coaching community and so much more and as we scale up our business. I'm so glad to be partnering with Monday.com a project management platform that makes effective teamwork possible near or far.
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For be mindful meditating for just 5 to 10 minutes a day makes a huge difference based on science in your level of Happiness. Dr. Santos likes a loving kindness meditation, which is a type of meditation where you think about love and kindness in the world and for yourself it brings you more peace in your heart and takes you away from suffering and stress number 5 exercise and sleep. The science is proven that those who move their body those that sweat those that stretch those that run around jump lift.
Weights when you do something with exercise you bring so much more joy to your life than when you sit stagnant on a chair on a couch sitting around doing nothing all day. Your body is designed to move is designed to have some physical stress on it in a limited amount of time. So exercise is huge and also
sleep debt is a real thing and when you are sleep deprived you are Moody you are cranky. You are angry you are more triggered sleep gives you the energy you need to be happier throughout the day.
And number six a routine when you do all five of these things every single day and you make it a part of your daily routine not just do it once a month, but do this consistently 7 days a week. You will be a happier person overall repeat all five steps over and over and make it a habit and watch your life transform into a happier person every single day, and if you enjoy these six steps, please let me know. Leave me a message over on.
Social media on Instagram or you can text me the word podcast 2614 350 360 road to get on my weekly inspirational and motivational texting list and you can send me a message there while see your comments and feedback as well.
If you enjoyed this podcast episode, please share it with a friend
post it to a text group a WhatsApp group social media. You can just copy and paste the link where you're listening to this on any podcast app, but make sure to go to Apple podcast right now. Click on that subscribe button and leave a
Star review and rating if this inspired you and helped you in any way and I'm going to leave you with this quote from the Buddha happiness never decreases by being shared share your joy, share your love share your vulnerability the more you do that the happier, you will become and the happier you want to influence other people to become as well.
If you haven't been reminded any time lately, you are loved
you are worthy and you matter.
So grateful for you, you know what time it is. It's time to go out
there and do something