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Keep Redefining What You Do
Keep Redefining What You Do

Keep Redefining What You Do

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Naval Ravikant
2 Clips
May 13, 2019
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Episode Transcript
We just finished talking about the importance of working hard and valuing your time. Next. There's a few tweets on the topic of working for the long term. The first tweet is become the best in the world at what you do keep redefining what you do until this is true. If you really want to get
paid in this world you want to be number one at whatever it is that you're doing and it can be Niche. That's the point it can literally be you're getting paid for just being you, you know at this point some of the most successful people in the world are That Way Oprah gets paid for being Oprah Joe Rogan gets paid for being Joe Rogan and they're being
authentic to themselves. So what
this tweet is trying to say simultaneously is that you want to be number one, but you're going to keep changing what you do until your number one. You can't just pick something arbitrary. You can't say I'm going to be the fastest runner in the world. And now you got to beat the same bolt that's too hard of a problem. But what you can do is you can keep changing what your objective is until it arrives to your specific knowledge.
Your skill sets your position your
capabilities your location your interests and then converges to making you number one. So
when you're searching for what to do, you actually have two different Foci that you have to keep in mind at all points. And one of those is I want to be the best at what I do and the second is what I do is flexible so that I am the best at it until you arrive at a comfortable place where you're like, yes, this is something I can be amazing at while still being authentic to who I am and this is not going to be an overnight Discovery. It's going to be a long journey, but at least you know how to think about it the most important thing for a companies to find product Market fit. I would say the most important thing for an entrepreneur is to find founder product Market fit where you are naturally inclined to build the right product which has a market and that's the three Focus problem, which is you got to make all three of those work at once if you want to be successful in life, you just have to get comfortable managing multivariate problems multiple objective functions at once and this is one of those cases
Where you have to map at least two or three at once?