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The Donald Trump Interview

The Donald Trump Interview

Impaulsive with Logan PaulGo to Podcast Page

Logan Paul, Mike Majlak, Donald J. Trump
31 Clips
Jun 13, 2024
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Biden is just so bad. He's the worst president in the history of our country. You should make a diss track on him. Yeah, well do something do you think that you're starting to soften your views on some of the networks that you may have not gotten along with the past know they're fake news - we fight this past week and how did it work out how you think? Mr. President? I think you probably did pretty good. I've watched enough for you find unidentified aerial phenomena and this guy, we don't know what they are. Do you it's very possible really powerful stuff. Are they made a commercial me promoting a product and it wasn't me.
I said did I make that commercial happens rap beefs. Big Rapids just happened Drake or Kendrick?
I think so, too.
Yeah, we'll talk about that. But you guys are top you know, even Contender would be able to win at 75 years old you think but it doesn't work that way. Yeah. Yeah. The block is still the yeah, I figured that out with Floyd as well. Yeah, how about that? Yeah, but you were too.
Wait thought he would have won that fight. That's what I thought it was you back. Some people still think he didn't want to be this. No way we got gets on I sell for a lot of money. Just no way. Thank you president. She split it up. Here's amazing.
This shirt that we've acknowledged them along time ago. It's crazy. I have to go well, mr. President people surely love it. They love the picture. They rallied behind it. Then they're rallying behind you now. Well, they more than ever and you know, we had the biggest fun.
Is I think ever for any candidate ever anywhere in the world and the last eight or nine days, you can hundreds of millions of dollars and too bad. It couldn't have been done for other reasons, but they viewed the cases being so corrupt than so ridiculous, you know every one of the legal pundits and you know, they're great guys when you look at dershowitz of the whole group, you know, that whole group of people that Andy McCarthy Jonathan Turley
Gregg Jarrett, every one of them they came out and they said there's not even a case here. There's no case and when they saw the jury instructions when they saw all the things that happened and it's not like anybody's a friend of mine Mark Levin is an example. They couldn't believe it. So unfair, you know, it's a very unfair thing and because of that the fundraising numbers and the polls but the fundraiser that's sort of like a pole anyway when you get right down to it.
But the fundraising numbers went I don't think there's ever been that much money raised that quickly. You become a martyr Saint George that's insane 140 million dollars in May that you raised thirty five million in just hours after the birth. Yeah, 58 million within a few hours and that was in Small donations, like $71 something average and over the over a period of a week. We even went to San Francisco now not supposed to be that's the belly of the Beast right surprise visit, but they had thousands of people on the street. It was so positive.
Adjective and they raised 12 million dollars to The Tech Guys at one of the houses David fantastic people and they were like, they gave me a lot of money. They've never been into doing that and I think it helps it Biden is just so bad. He's so bad. He's the worst president in the history of our country. So that helps too. You should make a diss track on him. He will do something. I will do something. I actually wanted to start there because one thing that I was
I just can't seem to wrap my head around it is you know, you got you got these felony convictions and a lot of it like more than Al Capone right and and there was an uprising and people showed you their support with their donations. And a lot of people are saying it points out the actually the unjust nature of America's justice system. So my question is like if that is your believer is if that is their belief
Why do you have the desire to give your time and energy to a country or a system that's trying to take you down. So I ran twice I did much better the second time than the first time and if I didn't I wouldn't have done this but we had it going like this country has never been going before. It was really good. Now. It's really bad the worst Border in history the worst inflation. I think in history, I think the history of the country the people are getting decimated by all very
Ex, you know all or something you can fix you can fix it fast. We were energy independent. We're going to be energy dominant very soon. All these things were happening. And then we had a terrible result in an election and what happened was disgraceful and we can't ever let it happen again. But you know, we have a little expression. It's right on that hat make America great again, and we can do that make America great again, and this guy is not going to do it. This guy's destroyed our country when you are
Fifteen sixteen Seventeen. They have no idea what the God always million people in coming out of jails coming out of mental institutions. Insane asylum. The insane asylums all over the world of mental institutions are at the lowest levels have been at it for years. They're going to be totally empty and you have terrorists coming into our country. We're going to be paying a big price and we're going to solve the problem. We're going to solve it relatively quickly, but we have other problems do with energy with
Inflation, he's been a disaster as a present. He's the worst president we've ever had. The good news is he makes Jimmy Carter look brilliant by comparison. So Jimmy Carter's the only one that's happy with this. We'll look. I think that's why a lot of people are so obsessed with you. Mr. Trump. Mr. President Trump will because you're already a billionaire right you you are essentially serving these people and you don't have to be doing it. The president know being the president seems like a very hard job you were at three meetings just before this lecture, but but I guess I'm asking
Being like the desire to run an attempt to improve your country for these things. You're saying. Yeah, it comes from what it just the love of the culture people. I'll tell you when you look at the people when you look at the crowds. I did a rally in New Jersey. We had a hundred and seven thousand people that you saw that last week. We did one in the Bronx we had 25,000 people and this was in the South Bronx which is known as a rough area and it was like a Love Fest there was not even like nobody even raised a voice of dissent.
The whole place it was like a big Love Fest. Nobody could believe it. You saw that 34 weeks ago. There's tremendous our country has tremendous potential but it's going down the tubes very very rapidly. Nobody is ever seen anything like it the way it's being run so bad and we can change it. We can change it quickly. We have a debate coming up that will be interesting June 27. Yeah hosted by one of your favorite Television Network CNN, so they gave me the option they said
Would you do it and they didn't want to do it he didn't want to do it. So they gave me everything fake Tapper and lots of other people that were going to you know were involved on CNN. They wanted it to be seated which I didn't like I said we should stand and I think we won that point but I would have agreed to whatever I had a degree to because they didn't want to do it. They thought that I wouldn't do it because it's CNN, but I've done plenty of CNN. I did a town hall not so long ago.
Go with CNN that worked out well, but I think they'll be fair. I think they're going to try and be fair as Fair as they can be but I think it's important for there to be a debate. So they said you want to debate. Yep. I'll I'll accept you don't even have to tell me then they said see and they said the different people that are involved but let's see what happens. I used to get along with Jake Tapper. We'll see what happens but it doesn't matter whatever it is. That is that sentiment that CNN might be fair to you. They might be is a
Of a departure signal 10% chance for me normal Hardline stance. Do you think that you're starting to come around or soften your views on some of the networks that you may have not gotten along with in the past? No, they're fake news. Yeah, fake news now. There's so bad. One of the good terms right fake news, but no, I don't think so. I thought maybe you know, I had one with Kaitlyn Collins about 45 months ago was one of the highest rated shows I've ever had and I really thought they were going to go maybe so
Out of in the middle, but I was wrong about as I'm getting on am hearing the way I'm being announced I said, hey, these people are playing Hardball they're making a big mistake. But but the ratings for this debate, I guess will be quite quite good massive. Are you surprised by his decision to face to face with you? You mean the fact that they're willing to do it that Biden's a little bit they didn't want to do. They thought I'd turned CNN. Look CNN is the enemy
And they thought I was going to turn CNN and Tapper is you know, one of the guys that I mean he what I make in a speech. So they're waiting for the nomination for months and months. I got it in the quickest fashion. Nobody's ever gotten a nomination so quickly and I'm making my nomination speech and they refused to put it there covering it for months and months now, I'm actually making my speech. I mean this is the big night. I won the nomination and they refused to put it on. These are people that don't like true.
But it's okay because I think it's important to have a debate or a number of debates. Actually the fact that you are so vocal as well as our science social media. I think works in your favor. And personally, I like that you come with receipts sometimes. Yeah, I've seen you pull the money or no. I'm just joking. Well you have receipts I like to do well fact s fun. Yeah. I know what you we're going to we're going to check a lot of things. It's going to be an interesting you will be watching right? I'll be watching we just don't want to schedule it around one of your
Please don't please don't do pretty well Exile be watching. Yeah, I always see you again. By the way, give a fight your brother that little question. You want it you want to know something. I want to know. Yeah, because you're both you are both good give a fighter. Thank you. Not in real life. You practiced a little bit never. We've never even sparred. Really. We don't know. We don't we I think what did you beat him up your whole life, and I did it I punch you in the face once because he took my glasses, but I was willing to step in for Mike Tyson when Tyson got sick and
They had to postpone his fight and we actually like ran it up the chain and not fully charged for brothers to fight though. I think it's hard and I honestly is over a big old bag like figure it out once and for all I think it's you know think so you love you brother. Well me and Jake decided that obviously like we both come from a place of love and whatever the outcome would be. We'd have to be okay with it, but obviously, I love number the shots to the face and it isn't just one time though for the rest of History. You know, that night goes down forever. The Klitschko brothers never did it? No, they
We did it and they were both good and they've never did it. They were very good. But in fact nobody really figured out maybe who is better. They said they had some good fights a with tough, right? Yeah. Well Jake Jake Jake stuff and he's good, but I want to know is very good and you're very good. He had a fight this past week against somebody from a squad. You may know as the helm from the neck boys. Oh, right. Yeah. You said you had it you had it out with an actual street fight. No. No, but but a friendly one or an unfriendly one I was
The unfriendly I was there I would call it a waiver if I tell you had a great following the nice guys. We love them. They have set you do. Oh, yeah, I'm glad because yeah, I'm getting myself into a position. They really are they did Dana White who is fantastic for sure. He said would you do the nelq was I didn't know who they were I did it and they have a tremendous audience which you can ferocious. Yeah right away. I did. Dr. Phil the other day. That's all. Yeah. He's right. We love love is like a
Sky like a saint right? His name is Bradley Martin. He's a big guy because we know Kyle for guard Kyle and John Shahidi friend years. Now the great Bradley's this big 260-pound, you know bodybuilder and four years. He's called people out. I'm 260. I'm 260. I'll fight you and got into it with Logan and how did it work out how you think? Mr. President? I think you probably did pretty good. I've watched enough for you fire. It was off-camera, you know, it was cool. It was like a duel like a good old-fashioned just boys being boys. Which camera is it was a real?
Deal the real deal and no rules was he finished? He quit he was he did he were but we were very impressed with him. Actually. He showed up he has no Combat Sports Experience. Yep, stepped up himself said he had muscle but not the yeah. Yep. Just no training. Yeah, no training. You ever been in a fistfight? Mr. President?
Probably not. I've been like little Jewels nothing like that like to say, yeah poke my way through school and I went through that fought my way out of the Wharton School of Finance. I fought me but you know, we didn't have a lot of Fighters. Yeah, we have Fighters but not that kind of Fighters. But but I've had a lot of fun. I'll tell you we had a great time over the years. I've been very much involved with Mike Tyson. Michael's a great guy.
My son. I have a beautiful boy Baron and he loves Mike Tyson big boy big boy huge. He's a big boy six with knives and I couldn't get him to play basketball. I play soccer. He's a good athlete to good student great award for soccer. But he's six foot nine. It's insane good-looking guy, but he is a tall one. There's no question. I see Barren. I don't want to take a picture next to you. It's either too weak to make him a fighter may not. I don't know guys. It's 2024 we want to
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We always see you at the UFC fights. Yeah, so you're obviously a fight fan.
I like it. I really enjoyed I think Dana White is one of a kind he's and he's been generous to me. He's made a great statement about me the other day. I saw that he's there was a nice statement because I've had his back for well I did and rightfully I think you know the expression everybody's replaceable. I'm not sure anybody could do the job. He does is unbelievable. He gets a met. Khabib. Khabib. Who's it's not like twenty nine in a row and his father died.
And he just said that's it for me. And you know, his father was great at what he did and probably he never lost even around. I think he 29 are they say he never lost a round and I thought it was great and we got to speak. He was just about my favorite guy and really talented the Strickland was fantastic the other night. I thought he was hearing Striker. He was Ellen wants to come out of the cage and meet you after they do and what they do. I'm very honored by the every time they went.
A jump out. Yeah, they jump out of that cage. Like it's nothing. I don't know. It's pretty high, but they have no problem. And when you enter the arena, there's an eruption of Cheers. Yeah, but I remember because I've been going to you see for a while. I get all it wasn't always like that. There was a very clear like shift in the perception of you. Do you feel like you feel that now more than ever? I don't know. You know, I've done it in Vegas Miami, I do it when I'm with Dana Dana wants me to do that and I do it and we it is an eruption.
He said like he's never heard before they actually stop to fight. One of the fighters were walking out and there's a fight going on at these guys are really going at it and they heard these crazy sound and they stopped the fight. They both stop fighting that looking over what happened. They probably thought bad things were happening to the arena, but now it's been a it's been great and he is just some you know, somebody you have to really respect our imagine you guys do but he gets these fighters from all over the world and they are you know,
some really talented people and I have respect for Fighters, you know, when you can take 200 shots to the face and then look forward to the second round here. It's interesting. A lot of wrestlers want to be they want to do the UFC thing, but they can't take the shots because you know the wrestlers I was I've been away with a lot of them and because at the White House, we honor the champion the national champion wrestlers and tennis players and sort of everything we have these but just speaking to the wrestlers some
Them there's somebody named Beau nickel who I think is going to be great. He's a fighter fantastic. He was a All-American. I think probably for years. I'm not even sure every lie. He went to Penn State and he's phenomenal as a fighter and you'll be watching him. But but he doesn't mind if he gets hit he doesn't mind some people don't want that speaking of conflict and fighting since you left office. The number of global conflicts has skyrocketed, and I know could talk to you about it quickly when you spoke with him. I think two weeks ago,
About President Biden authorized the use of American weapons in Russia, which has now led to a fleet of Russian warships coming towards Cuba this week. What is your what are your thoughts and concerns of around our current handling of our relationship with Russia? Well, the Russian attack on Ukraine would have never happened if I were president would have never happened. It would it's just a shame. Well so many dead people you look at just the soldiers.
It's a half a million soldiers between the both countries. But so many dead people so many towns and Villages and buildings and or I mean magnificent culture just being wiped out you okay over there slips formal for sounds good. Nice book. That's forget that because it's so sad to see what's happening so bad, but
It's a shame because it never would have happened it and it didn't happen during my four years didn't happen wouldn't have happened. I got along very well with Putin I got along with solinsky, but it wouldn't have happened and an October 7th would have never happened and inflation would have never happened and the withdrawal the kind of overall. We were getting out of Afghanistan with dignity and strength but to get out the way I think it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country and I actually think that
The way Afghanistan worked. I think that when Putin looked at that he said well, let's go in and you know what's looked at it president XI of China and he's looking he is looking at Taiwan and he's drooling he's drooling over Taiwan. And so something could happen there. We lost a lot of respect. They laughing at us all over the world and that wasn't happening for years ago and with you back in office, you think we'll get that respect back. Yeah. We'll get it back ways. What's your relationship like with Vladimir Putin seems to think
Very good, but I was tough with him. You know, I ended the pipeline he built to go to Nordstrom to nobody ever heard of no trim tool till I got involved and it was the biggest project ever done in Russia. I mean, you know, this was a pipeline that was going to supply the oil and gas to all over Europe all over Europe Germany in particular and I said, what are you doing? Why are you doing this to Germany? I said we're defending you under NATO and you're going to you're paying billions of dollars a month to Russia.
You mean with defending you and you're giving the people were defending you from we're giving you the defense but you're giving them money at massive amounts. Probably the biggest project, you know, most important one of the most important projects. If ever done I ended it was dead. It was gone and then this guy comes in and he approves it, but he kills Keystone, you know, the Keystone XL. Yep. So it's it said but it said to me it's the biggest thing you ended it. You ended the pipeline he
Said they also you and I are friendly but I'd hate to see you as an enemy. But this was the biggest, you know, this was massive amounts of money never that's how but Biden came in, huh? You talk to him like that and I had a very good relationship. That's a good thing. Not a bad thing and I'm trying to tell people with no it's a good thing. They've got I would give you the exact number, but they gave a lot just under 2,000 nuclear weapons, and we do also and when you have nuclear weapons, and even if you don't have nuclear weapons getting along
Is good, but be the tough one be the smart one get along as good. I tell the press all the time. No, the fact that I get along with Kim Jong Hoon North Korea. That's crazy president XI is great. It's all good stuff getting along. But nobody ever took money out of China. Like it took hundreds of billions of dollars out in the form of tariffs and taxes. No other president took in not ten cents and you know China built their military because of the United States the United States was given them hundreds of billions of dollars a year.
A year in excess flow and nobody's ever seen anything like it but we took out hundreds of billions of dollars from China and I still got along with President XI until covid that was sort of that was a breaking point. But no, but he was a guy that I respected like he liked me and I liked him that's a good thing not a bad thing. You know, the Press says, oh is it you say? Yeah. He's a leader. He's a smart guy. They say smart man. They say oh,
Trump said he was smart. That's he leaves one point four billion people. It's he's yeah, it's a little bit on the smart side, but I got along with him. I got along with Kim Jong and that would have been a nuclear war if Hillary Clinton had gotten in office we would be in and we would have been in a nuclear war with North Korea. He was ready for when I was with him. Nobody else could meet him all of a sudden the the dam broke and we started talking a little bit we got together as you know twice get along very well.
Well, but we were in no danger from them and we were in serious danger before I got that you would I'm telling you you would have had a nuclear war of Hillary Clinton got it. That's I'm so curious of what this conversation with really powerful world leaders. Looks like behind closed doors. Like is it is it candid or do exercise Grace or you talk about boys? I know but everyone's different. So like when you're talking to people when you're doing interviews with people when you're fighting people, they're all different. You know, you find them a different way it
I am far away but everyone's different but I had very good relationships with everyone. The funny thing is I got along with the tough ones much better than I got along with the weak ones yet. Some real weak ones to I didn't get along with them as well. It's strange must be personality. Good thing, huh? Probably a good thing that you go get along with that. I get along with it deters of the largest countries, you know, there's a very tough one Viktor Orban and he's the prime minister of Hungary and he said that
At the reason the world is blowing up because Trump isn't President when Trump was there. Everybody respected Trump. He said was afraid of trump. I don't want to use that term because that's you know, I don't want to say oh they were afraid like a child would say but they respected me, but he said everyone listened to Trump. They were afraid of trump. They couldn't figure Trump out and they all listened and they did listen and we had no Wars we had no nothing. I defeated Isis got rid of the biggest terrorist ever. Maybe I just about
Ver but we defeated think of that we knocked out Isis 100% of the Isis caliphate and started in a Wars. I wasn't any wars now that I don't know how you may feel about that because you know, you're a warrior right because all fighters and you're a real fighter by the way, it's not good. It's not good. I don't shy away from conflict. My fiance has a problem with it. Yeah, it's not it's not good. Yeah, do your much more diplomatic than I probably wouldn't be here. You know, it's very interesting though.
So khabib came up to me after the fight the other night and you know, you guys would probably say he's the best ever maybe and you know, probably certainly he probably is in or very close right John Jones a lot of people say and you know, and he said to me, oh, I hope you can get in because we have to stop the wars. We have to stop the killing the killing. He was so smart. He understood it and I think he's friends or was friends, but I think he is friends with Putin very much. Yeah.
But he said we have to stop the killing and it's true and I think I'd have that war stopped If I Was President elect right after the election if I win I will get that war stopped. I'll get it stopped fast before I get to office if it's not stop before that talking about Russia Ukraine. I'm talking about Russia Ukraine. I'll get it. I'll get it stepped on the field many people are being killed far more people are being killed and I thought it was great when it became after he says we've got to stop all of the killing in the world. He's a
very smart guy very interesting guy. We talked for a while on the flip side or on the other side of the continent the Gaza. Yeah situation as bearable big news over the past year or so. You've always the United States is always bad and you were always a staunch Ally of right Israel has your sentiment on Netanyahu or on his regime change at all in light of any of the events of the past six months. No, look they it was a shame that it should have never happened. It would have never happened to Ren was
Broke when I was President, nobody was allowed to buy oil. Nobody was allowed to buy anything. They were broke a Democrat Congressman on deface the nation to show de Face the Nation ladies and gentlemen, its deface the nation. Yes commonly known as Face the Nation, but I don't call it that you have a name. I think I have a more I have a name for everything. I'll end up with a name for you two guys with yeah, but it did but so he was on the show and he said whether you
Trump or not. Iran was broke during Trump's they would have made a deal with in one week. And now they have 250 billion dollars. We would have had a deal done in what literally in one week after the election and it was ready. They were absolutely and they had no money for Hamas. They had no money for Hezbollah. They were broke stone called broke. Now. They have two hundred and fifty billion dollars Biden took off all of the sanctions. He took a he let
Goes China went to town. I told China if you buy one barrel of oil from these people, you're not doing any business with the United States. They took a pass no oil and other countries likewise and we would have had a deal would have been a great deal for everybody. We would had a deal now. They have 250 billion dollars. They made it all on three years three and a half years. They made it all during this Biden Tim. I mean he gave me six billion dollars for five hostages.
Right, you saw that recently a couple of months ago, six billion dollars for five hostages. He made the swap the prince of Terror they call him. He's the best arms dealer ever. They say who knows what that means. But he was a great arms here for the basketball player that wouldn't stand up during the national anthem. She thought that was a good time to Tire sneakers and that was not exactly the greatest trade, but he gave six billion dollars.
Top of every six billion billion with the be and they don't know what they're doing. And when you do that, you know, when you start paying that kind of money a lot of other people are going to be missing all of us and they're going to be missing and hey, let's make a trade and that's already happening. You just can't do that. I got 58 people out. We never paid any money 58 people fifty eight hostages. We never paid money because once you pay money, you're going to be doing a lot in other words. You're going to keep doing it. So you can't do that. This episode is sponsored by
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Career. Yeah, I've been made a bid some money and more money than you ever thought possible for sure. Right for sure. I know I know the kind of money because I know when you have a top event or and your shows but these events are doing fantastic. Yeah, what you've done is incredible. Yeah. I'm very blessed and part of the reason that I believe I'm blessed is because of this country and and I think in a way I'm kind of living like the modern day American Dream
You know I had access to a phone and could start my business and reach the entire world on this device so much. We did you guys start like separately. So you Jake yes, not together. Oh you started see you started together on YouTube. And did you Branch out each have you have it will eventually because I went to college Jake was still in high school. He ended up dropping out. I finished my first year an amazing two stories, right? Yeah for sure who makes more money. It depends on the year. It depends if Jake has fights.
And it depends on when this sells yeah, I think is that you knew drink? It's good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, if you if you make it I like it. Thank you. Mr. President. It's got to be good. Just got to look something's propelling him to fight world champions to a draw, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we actually made this American prideful special for this episode. It's hydration, but it's doing fine doing well. We did 1.2 billion last year and you're too that's that's good taste.
But but but again, I'm blessed to have even just be able to say that is insane. But my question is for other young people in this country who are looking to get ahead because for a lot of them times are tough right now, what would you say to them kids kids who want to pursue their own version of the American dream and and try to achieve their wildest dreams and make it all come true. I would say very simply honestly vote for Trump because with Biden you never going to
This country is going to hell vote for Trump. You know, we're doing great with youth we're doing great with African Americans with Hispanic Americans through the roof both of those groups with women with men and with young people were doing very well, but I say vote for Trump. If you don't have the right guy in the lead the country is not going to you know, if the country doesn't do. Well, it's much harder to do even what you do. Okay, even what you do, so that would be a simple message. I really and I really mean it actually hmm.
The same opportunities he's had in America I've had as well my road has been a little bit Rocky R as we were talking about in my book The Fifth vital. I spent eight years addicted to heroin living on the east coast in what I considered, you know, I think a lot of people considered so you were addicted correct. Wow, I think a lot of people consider to be the great old. Let me see that we can I see the book. Absolutely we're gonna get we're going to make this sucker a best-selling book. There's a message. There is a message for such an important. It's actually it's actually
My cat was already a best-selling book by this book. It's great. It's that was for you. I wrote a message to it. Well, I'm Gonna Keep it thank you, but it's such an important topic. Yeah, seriously, that's so important. There's a lot of people that are still kind of wrapped up in that world and I try to ask her some questions in 2023 the DEA seized more than 80 million fentanyl laced fake pills 12,000 pounds of fennel powder. There's so many people out there on the streets right now without access to Resources with mental health for mental health health care.
Rehabilitation centers what's your plan to continue to stem the flow of fentanyl into the country as well as help the people who have already fallen victim to the opiate epidemic. So when I took over, you know is drug-infested when I ran in 2016, I ran on the border and I fixed the border and I couldn't even use it in 2020 and the campaign even though I got millions of more votes that I got the first time I couldn't talk about the Border because I fixed it and I'd see her my people I want to talk about the Border. I was proud of the job. We did we had it.
Fixed it was really in good shape and drugs were at the lowest point in years and you know, not only people drugs human trafficking which is such a horrible thing as you think of it as like an ancient kind of a crime and it's it's bigger now than ever before because of the internet, you know, the internet has made a lot of these things much bigger than they have ever been when you think of human traffic and mostly in women by the way. Most people don't know that mostly in women where they put them in trunks of cars have compartments. It's so horrible.
Bill, and I had it down to a real to the lowest level just about I guess in recorded recorded times. So what you have to do is you have to be very tough on that. We had a deal on the fentanyl those pouring through I bought millions of dollars worth of equipment believe it or not. They called sniffing equipment, but believe it or not the best thing to find it you can spend millions of dollars on equipment and Machinery to find drugs coming through like, you know, sort of finds it the best thing is that
German Shepherd born in the seared off, you know that. Yeah. Oh, they're unbelievable thinking they go right to it. It's not even there is no machine. It's been two and a half million dollars for machinery and the dog is is much better more dogs. And we for us we literally bread those dogs. It's just very specific type of German Shepherd from a certain part of the world. It's the most incredible thing. We worked very very hard on that. I was with President XI had comes from China and it comes in through the southern so
Mexico's a bride comes through the southern border and I was with President XI and I told you we got along great, you know, the the covid-19 step too far as far as I was concerned, but we got along great and I said you have a drug problem. He said no they give the death penalty in China you if you sell drugs I said, I'd like you to give the death penalty to people that are making Fentanyl and sending it over to our country and he was going to do that and then we had the election result and of course by never picked up that conversation. I told them about it.
But he was going to give the death battle if he did that you would have had this literally stopped almost up but we have to be very very strong at the border. This is really this is a plague-like and you know the numbers they say 70,000 80,000. I think it's probably 250 or 300 thousand. This is like a war is rarely a war. I mean how many wars were losing 300 thousand people a year and everybody knows the family. I know many families where
Their children died and they're not even addicted they take a pill that's unrelated and it had to get a little bit of fentanyl. They say you can take the the head of a needle and you just put a piece on the end. That's enough to kill like 10 people. It's it is a really horrible thing and I would have had china giving their maximum penalty. They would not have been sending it and I had to deal worked out with President XI, but of course Biden did
Follow up just like he didn't follow up on the Abraham Accords which would have been great thing to do. So we have to be very tough on the border and that includes a drugs as well as people as wrong as well as people not coming in from jails and prisons and you know mental institutions which is which is happening now at levels that nobody's ever seen before it's crazy. How can it be good? It's so bad. And I guess they're either stupid which they're not they hate our country.
Country or they want to get these people off of us. A lot of people think that's that's the thing. It's they want to get them for votes, but the destruction the damage that Biden's done to our country by having 16 17 million people already in you know, it's much more than they say, it's probably 79. It could be even higher than in our country. And these are not people that are make America great again. These are people that have a lot of issues.
And we're going to have a lot of issues as long as they're here. And we're going to get them out. We have to get him out. Mr. President. I got the 10-minute warning from the team. Oh, which is now eight minute. Let's let's let him go a little longer. It's fine. I like it. Is that okay? Yeah, let him go a little bit longer. Okay, look at these two guys just and then it'll turn out to be a lousy show and I'll say you were right Jason so go for another 20 minutes. Is that okay?
It seems to be a nice flow. Yeah, I'll be in trouble with my people like Biden says oh, I I don't have that problem. But first of all, he would never he couldn't do this interview. We were you asked him questions like this. Now we were think we're talking about that. We're well, he would we would like to extend the invite to Joe Biden if he'd like to come on this podcast. Yeah. I think you should you know what chance you have of getting them I'd say less than 1% Okay, you did that to be it. I'd actually watch that one.
Okay, I see how long it lasted so that there are two questions. I have to ask the first one is kind of fun aliens.
I want to talk to you by aliens. So UFOs UAP. I know she'd this closure we've seen in Congress recently. It's it's confusing and upsetting a lot of Americans because something's go. There's something happening. There are unidentified aerial phenomena and this guy we don't know what they are. Do you so it's such a question. I do get a lot and it's such an interesting question. I've met with Pilots that look just like you actually okay. They have more of a crew cut. Okay, they look like
Him and let's look like you some of them look like you a little fatter, but he's a perfect people and they're not Grace conspiratorial then that crazy and they tell me stories that they've seen things that you wouldn't believe. These are not people that you would say G. So that's okay present United States, but I said, what who is it? That's Joe Biden wanting to do it. So I met with Pilots like beautiful Tom Cruise, but taller, okay handsome.
Perfect People sir, there was something there that was round and form and going like four times faster than my super jet fighter plane and I look at these guys and they really mean it. Yeah and am I a Believer? No, I probably I can't say I am but I have met with people that are serious people that say there's some really strange things that they see flying around out there and you know if you go to
Nevada and you look at that little section of where where they go to look at the aliens where they think all the aliens are landing that you know, it's what I think it's a may be the number one tourist attraction in the United States as well. Yeah Roswell. It's I think it's the number what is the lines of people waiting it? You have no idea how many times I'm asked that question. We don't you have access to that information. I have access but and I speak.
People about it. I've had actually meetings on it and they will tell you that something going on when they say things things are going four times faster than my beautiful top-of-the-line aeroplane that goes, you know mock real quick. No idea how proposed Marcus to write you things are creating their own gravity Fields. Allegedly. Well, they have they have people that are very smart and very solid have said they believe there is something out there and you know make sense that.
They could be I've never been convinced even despite that. You know, I just for some reason it's not my thing but a lot of people believe that it's true a lot of very good solid people believe it's true. Hmm what and you know, there are illegal aliens out there. But those are the ones that come through the Border we have plenty of them. Those are the ones I know when you say aliens. I say are they illegal aliens? These are not easy these might be illegal, but we don't want to test them because if they can go four times faster, we're not going to test it out. Yeah.
So it's an interesting question for is there a chance that one of these orgs is potentially hiding information from you by aliens, I guess so, it's you have the Deep State and you do have a deep State and certainly they could but I don't think on this subject. I was interested in because I've been asked so many times and I talked to people that have said that they've you know, it was a sighting.
And it's very believable. It's it's very possible that there is something and why wouldn't there be you know, you take a look at the universe and you see all of the different planets and you see this, you know, look here. We are one relatively small planet. Why wouldn't it be when a planet that's you know, 400 times the size. Why wouldn't there be some some something somebody so, you know, it's certainly believable to me the thought of it.
Freaks me out. You know, it's weird to think that we potentially are only the source of life and like an infinite ever-expanding universe. But but you know technology they'd never be able to take you in a fight. No chance. I'm better and better. You're my brother.
Good for this quick. He's a terrific. You know, I looked at this ship that went up the spaceship and I never saw this before I saw this is you know, like two years ago. I see the motors coming down the engines coming down no wings do anything. It'll say what is going on? Yeah, and nobody ever said that before that if you didn't have him you probably wouldn't be seeing it. You know, and I call him I said, what's that? He says what we want to be able to reuse the engines. I said, they don't have
Wings they don't have anything in their landing on a platform in the middle of the ocean I said how cool is that? That was I thought I saw it all but that was now he's a very these are spectacular guy. Well, I mean between PayPal neurolink starlink Tesla SpaceX and other thing. Yeah, he's probably one of the greatest Minds. Yeah. Well, that's what I want to ask. It was the second question because you know technology is improving at a rapid Pace. It's right a paste.
And he's never seen before in the most recent development in technology. That is alarming but also cool is artificial intelligence AI. Yeah, I think it's going to be eventually to a point where we're not able to tell what's real and what's fake. The era of truth. I believe is probably slowly unfortunately coming to an end as you come with receipts. What do you think the government's role in enabling protecting or governing a I should be in general should this superpower?
Power become what we believe it probably will be well, it is a superpower and you want to be right at the beginning of it, but it is very disconcerting. I said, you know you use the word alarming it is alarming when I saw a picture of me promoting a product and I could not tell the voice was perfect the lips move perfectly with every word the way you could have you were a lip reading and say it's absolutely perfect and that's scary.
In particular in one way, if you're the president of the United States and you announce that 13 missiles have been sent to let's not use the name of a country. We've just sent 13 nuclear missiles heading to somewhere and they will hit their targets in 12 minutes and 59 seconds.
And you're that country and there's no way of detecting. You know, I asked Elon. Is there any way that like Russia or China can say that that's not really President Trump. He said there's no way they'd have to rely on secondary forever. Do they have to rely on a code that if you don't have a certain go Who the hell's going to check you got like 12 minutes and then let's check the code C. How's everything doing so what do they do when they see this? Right? They have a maybe a counter-attack.
Jack it's so dangerous in that way. Okay in another way. It's so incredible that what they do is so incredible. I've seen it. I just got back from San Francisco. I meant with Incredible people in San Francisco and we talked about this this subject is hot on their plates, you know, the super Geniuses and and they gave us they gave me 12 million dollars for The Campaign which you know, four years ago. They probably wouldn't have we had thousands of people in the streets.
So it was just happened last weekend. I met with Incredible people actually and this is their big. This is what everyone's talking about with all of the technology. These are the real technology people. They're talking about a and they showed me things but I've seen things that are so you wouldn't even think it's possible but in terms of copycat now to a lesser extent they can make a commercial. I saw this they made a commercial me promoting a product and it
wasn't me and I said did I make that commercial did I forget that I made that commercial it is so unbelievable. So it brings with it difficulty, but we have to be at the 4th. It's going to happen and if it's going to happen, we have to take the lead over China China is the primary threat in terms of that and you know what they need more than anything else is electricity. They have to have electricity massive amounts of electricity. I don't know if you know that.
In order to do these essentially it's a plant and the electricity needs are greater than anything we've ever needed before to do AI at the highest level and China will produce it because they'll do whatever you have to do. Whereas we have environmental impact people and you know, we have a lot of people trying to hold us back but massive amounts of electricity are needed in order to do a i and we're going to have to generate a whole different level.
level of energy
And we can do it and I think we should do it but we have to be very careful with it. We have to watch it but it's you know the words you use were exactly right. It's the words a lot of smart people are using you know, there are those people that say it takes over takes over the human race. It's really powerful stuff. May I so let's see how it all works out but I think as long as it's there it's and that's just and that's what about when it becomes sis.
Super until ya know then they have super a I write is SuperDuper a but but what they what it does is so crazy. Now it can also be really used for good. I mean things can happen. I had a speech Rewritten by AI out there one of the top people he said, oh, you're going to make a speech. Yeah, he goes click click click and like 15 seconds later. He shows me my speech that's written. That's great. So
Ali I said, I'm going to use this sucker I've never seen anything like it it would you say to your speech writer after that you're fired you're fired Vince ha ha this was so crazy it took it and it made it unbelievable and it's it's and so fast, it's you just say I'm writing a speech about these two young.
Beautiful men that are great Fighters and sort of grated a lot of things and tell me about them and say some nice things and period and then they comes out Logan in particular is a great Champion. Jake is also good. So I'm doing that only because you happen to know it comes out with the most beautiful writing. So one industry. I think that what we got it is wonderful speech writers. I've never seen anything like it and so quickly.
A matter of literally minutes. It's it's done. So it's a little bit scary. Well, as you said, let's see how this plays out. I did get the wrap it up because I do believe your team and I want to shoot a tick tock with you. Oh, that's good. I won't take time is off. We saw your first video how to 20 million views of blew up. We have a lot of views. I don't know how many but it was a lot. We did it. We did it with Dana you have IRA and we were sort of getting ready to walk into the arena.
And it was a lot of crowd and it wasn't it wasn't a negative voice in the whole house is pretty amazing to do it again. Well, I want to respect to time. I'd like to grab a couple photos shoot this ticked optional 120 million views on the way absent, but thank you for joining us on impulsive. Mr. President. It's an honor to be with you guys a great. Yes. Good luck with your book over here. That's important stuff. Thank you so much credible job you did to get out of it. Right? If you're ever bored on a plane to Tuscaloosa or something. You want to give it a long going to be reading it. I think it's
Such an important subject one of the most important subjects actually, it's great that you did it. Thanks gentlemen, thank you for watching this episode of policy. We love you. Hit that subscribe button will see you next time. Take it easy. Who's nice. Good job. Fellas. Hey, are they gonna get big ratings in the show? And that Sunset is gorgeous Grill patio Sunset hard to get better than that. Unless you're browsing carve on has inventory while you soak it all in.
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