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Aubrey Marcus Podcast
AMP #278 Take Your F’ing Power Back with Wim Hof
AMP #278 Take Your F’ing Power Back with Wim Hof

AMP #278 Take Your F’ing Power Back with Wim Hof

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Aubrey Marcus, Wim Hof
36 Clips
Oct 14, 2020
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In this podcast, I'm back with the legend women Hoff himself. And as usual with Ms. In his most enthusiastic most inspiring most encouraging way and I didn't even know when this podcast was starting. We just started rolling into it. He's really excited right now about the prospect of actually clearing your ancestral trauma, and that's where we begin on this podcast. But pardon the rolling start and just jump on into this wild ride with myself and with Hoff. I hope you guys
Love it. But before we get started, I want to talk to you guys about Native deodorant. And one of the important things about Native deodorant is it's completely free of all the ingredients like aluminum parabens sulfates talc all of this stuff and particularly as it concerns aluminum, you do not want this stuff in your body and what you put on your body gets in your body. These metals are extremely toxic and they can contribute to all kinds of different conditions autoimmune conditions and deep challenges for the human.
And so keep anything that has this crap out of your armpits. Your armpits are incredibly absorbent. So Solutions, like native deodorant are absolutely what you need to go to if you're interested in deodorant, they not only smell great but they're just made of the right stuff. Honestly, if you wouldn't take your deodorant and lick it like an ice cream cone. Just don't put it on your body native deodorant is one of those things. Yeah. It's not going to be your favorite flavor of ice cream, but it smells great. It's made of the right stuff.
Tough and it's absolutely the best deodorant that I've seen out there. They have coconut vanilla lavender rose cucumber mint Citrus and herbal. There's all kinds of great deodorants for men for women. It's absolutely unisex. So check it out native.com Marcus that's native D EO.com / Marcus and you'll get 20% off your first order. Once again native.com / Marcus 20% off your first order.
Man, so good to see you when you look your handsome man. Thanks, brother and you look rugged and handsome as well as
always happy healthy and love with life it. Did you read the
book. I did read the book. It's amazing
ancestral burden the whole traumas. We got him. We got him with the
Breathing, you know the vascular system The Witches to block the blood flow which is the life force goes through it. We traded through the cold and then the breathing the breathing makes us able to change the electricity becomes a because we become alkaline and then we are able to tap into the deepest of the DN a-- the ancestors and free The ancestral burden.
I thought is about the natives what which we fucked up with. The Western is we have by taking all the world over and then now we are in a debt and all of us. We are not even able to battle a invisible enemy like a virus. That's crazy. That's all Grazie and now it stops they are still there. They are still there.
Yes biggest Albury. I'm just jumping into the day. Let's do it because you did your shit. I did my shit and together we can accelerate. What is the new dimension going to look like the future of us of humanity of the Soul which All Began four billion years ago, and now it comes to consciousness.
It is not like meditation and being still owed or you'll don't know man. It's fully being alive and fulfill your mission. D traumatized into that is taken away the encrypted coats of failure passed on through the generations and take it Clans it here and now and alighting.
Self of that burden is Enlightenment. There is nothing abstract about alignment their fucking egos. It is about taking care of others taking care of your ancestors of your ancestry in the moment right here and right and then enjoy
do your best. But until now we you are powerful I am powerful because I have stayed
within my belief
and now it has gotten through this Paradigm and now we are able to fundamentally change the course of science.
You remember the exhaustion mitochondrial exhausted burnt out and nobody knows something about it or they are what was the other one the where people say it's between your ears. There's the two things you told me people don't have a clue. Yeah, we know all that shit that is none sense. We have to get back now and now we got the proof through in December. The results will come.
That is DNA a can deeply being influenced the telomeres which is the length and a life time span we can influence and we can go deeper into the gene structure than ever before was thought possible and you know what 50 years ago. Our mind was able to make a rocket go to the moon, but all that all
Commando units and the department over there and the rocket and Dad or the whole thing is now much less than a iPhone of now and that is the fruit of our mind. It's the Neurology of out we have to awaken to our neurology and get rid of the past shit come in the moment filled spiritual spirituality is nothing more than releasing the spiritual burden of the past.
Past the ancestral DNA and Tangled encrypted code and we are able with our electricity our neurology to tap in and this is going to be the future and we are going to pull this Carriage. I feel good about it.
And that's why I love talking to you man. It's always it's always so inspiring reminds. I think one of the great things that you do is you remind people of their wild nature you remind people of how strong we are when we
Our natural bodies are animal bodies that are meant to go out and play just like that. First time where you saw the I see write about it in your book. You had a thinly covered Pond and it was covered with ice and everybody is saying don't go in there. It's cold cold is bad. Don't do that. That's unhealthy for you. And you said I don't know about that. I think I can play in here. I think my animal can go play with that part of the world and something beneficial is going to come when I move beyond my own fear.
And do that and what you're talking about with the ancestral DNA you talk about a study that was shown where prisoners people who are imprisoned in people who are tortured many generations later. They were still suffering some effects. They were dying younger after their parents and their parents parents had been through trauma and with the ability to actually reawaken our animal nature affect that Epi genetic ancestry that heredity that comes from all of this trauma.
Awakening our animal Nature by playing with the elements of the cold and the breadth and the trees and Swinging like Tarzan and being outside of that fear Paradigm. We can actually restore ourselves to the animal nature that doesn't have to live in abide by all of those epigenetic heredity and and genetic heredity that we've experienced and just that message alone, especially for this time where everybody is so afraid your message is so important.
Because what you're saying is now is not the time to be afraid remember who you are. Remember that you're a wild powerful animal that supposed to be in love with life not afraid of life and just reading your book and talking to you. I feel that I feel it from you you're leading by example. Yes.
The mission is there and is to be felt understanding is feeling deep feeling recognition where it's like love when you are a love you don't
Pink you fly.
So learn to love life weather is no thought you are there and that comes through Instinct and intuition. If something is wrong Instinct and intuition proprioception interoception now showing in science to be able to be top down regulated. We are able with our mind and that means everybody.
Two top down regulate their bodies according to what they feel. Nobody wants to feel shit. Everybody wants to feel happy and okay with himself to rebalance when shit is coming to people so we have Instinct and intuition Instinct comes from the gut intuition comes from the heart. It's neurology.
And now we have the ability to connect at will with the Neurology of the instincts, which is the brainstem The Reptilian mode showing in brain scans and with the Neurology of the heart, which is the intuition so both are there and we have simply to awaken the people we have demystified it all.
We have brought God right here. God is love you are love love life be there every day wake up and jump into the air and fly and do something powerful feel your body awareness training being in the cold breathing deeply traumatized yourself get rid of this shit and every morning and then very soon.
We'll see you are a fit to help others and with others. I mean the whole world. How many do you want to get? I want to change the whole
world. Yeah, go beyond that little simple Petty tribalism of this is this these are my people and these are not my people and I'm different from them and let me be angry at them and no no it's here for all of us. We're all the same species were all the same wild animal. That's just looking to love life and love each other and I think
think the beauty of what you've done is III. Yes.
I'm going to write a second book and that is about the ancestry. It's about the natives. It's about visiting the natives of South America North America, Australia Europe of Japan of Russia of all of them and behind. Yes, Africa, of course of all of them and then show it through science. We are able to tap in with mechanical devices.
Has into 11 Generations back and that what is responsible for the genetical codes of 11:11 Generations. We are able to look into the consequences in our existent DNA. We candy traumatize everybody showed that the natives were right and we all get back into harmony with
that that is the
I could book you got to help me. Hell. Yeah, let's go. We've gotta travel. You know, you remembered the you through wasn't me the ax and you Trudy they're not. Yeah, that's perfect. Oh my
God, that's right, man. That's right. We're going to do it as soon as we could travel I'm there. So let's talk about some of the scientific things that you've done because so maybe the study that's the most well-known.
Own is the study that you did it rad bud and that study you took not only yourself but 12 other people you were injected with E.coli bacteria and endotoxin and 240 people prior to that they'd injected with that. They experienced fever chills body aches. They were really struggling when they got that injection. You went there with 12 people you train 12 people who you climbed Mount kanishka with which we climbed together, India's hell cold as hell and
Get to the top and you dance when you get to the top no matter how cold it is. No matter how brutal it is with no shirts on sleep wind rain. It was it was gnarly you get to the top and then so you knew that your people were ready. Everybody was injected with E, coli and endotoxin that causes a strong reaction everybody breathe through it. Use their mind didn't experience anything and this this is one of the big things that change the scientific
Literature exactly. It
showed that we are able through our manipulation of our own breath to become an alchemist. I mean to tap into the autonomous nervous system thought of inaccessible by humans into the immune system deeply it deep the damaging effect of E coli. That is the cytokine storm. We just brought this I'd token
Down we showed it at in 2014. And with that fundamentally we changed the perspectives within medical signs up till now of what people are able to do within themselves just and simply through breathing techniques. We developed and those breathing techniques they come from going into the cold into the cold you gotta change from within because you have
No clothes, so you gotta change the chemistry. It has to become a strong chemistry. We are able to do that and with that making this through this breathing deep breathing techniques and going and make it a strong chemistry immune system. Suddenly. He's much better at work the endocrine system the hormonal system like feeling happy and okay and strong. It's all there and the energy the
Energy processes in the cell directly boom so much energy. So all this exhaustion of mitochondrial exhaustion of energy people having no energy don't know and and what was the other one? I forgot to name again when fibromyalgia fibromyalgia all science doesn't know how to work it out how to tackle it. They say give them an Advil.
All here you got an Advil and now go away. That is the knowledge. That is the authority I tell you Nature has the authority and the authority is within us and can be awakened through simple cold showering and breathing techniques and then get back to the autonomy within ourselves becoming independent of outside forces because we had a master over our inner Force.
Our power inner fire.
Yeah you talk about how important it is when someone's in pain there was an example of a friend you had someone you work with you is had a bunch of arthritis and arthritis being an inflammatory disease that that's found in the joints or an inflammatory condition and through that effort of actually willingly going into pain, which is the cold. No the cold hurts intentionally going into the cold intentionally going into those.
Is deep deep breathing which is hard. There's a lot of resistance that comes up when you're trying to breathe that deep but you had him go through that and then when he went through that and then you had him do push-ups after he was done push-up City couldn't normally do exam. That was that was the switch for him because before he was like I can't do anything. I have arthritis and I can't do this but by intentionally going into pain and intentionally going into this practice, he was able to bang out a bunch of push-ups and when he popped up from that the light switch went off, right?
He was
able to say I am more powerful than my condition.
Exactly. And this is the way we were made to believe that we are dependent on doctors on pills on injections. And that's a money system this man he could not do one push-up because he had such a pain in his wrist and in his elbow he could not he was like afraid of it. I told him looking straight in the eyes.
As a totem are you gonna do 40
and he yes first he was like no no, no way. No way man. Amen. No. No that is not possible. I kept on looking and then he said I give it a go.
And then the other morning he thought I was over because it was a retreat of two days. It was over in a with all in the presence of all the people I told okay Hank. Let's get on with the with the goat. Let's do it. Okay, and he is just what struck because this was the first time in a big group that he was going to have to show something so he had to do it. Yeah just to
Follow, so what he did was to breathing 30 times and I told him you give the best you got the best be there within the moment here. And now follow the breathing. There we go. Go 30:29 a a chitra and at the end the end everybody was counting everybody fell test that the power of the spirit and it is nothing abstract. That's who we are and
He he pulled out 40 push-ups and he was changed. Do you see how fast he Awakening is to work this deeper physiology of hours with which we are born they what now is going on with their covid. This is all the consequence of a deep being dependent. We can't our D connected within we can we can
change all this but nobody believes this because everybody's like sheepy and mesmerised and it is the trickery of the money system getting into people so much that that the doctor is God and the president he is even bigger and all that but it is not me and I tell you you are a president. You are the doctor you are the king behave yourself and be strong and take care of
I love it. When I see new technology developed that can really help you access human potential and the silent mode mask is one of these Peak Performance devices and companies that's really offering this. It's the combination of a blindfold with a training device and all kinds of Technology built in as well as sound to give you this full-on immersive experience. It's like basically this kind of sensory Rich deprivation that's contained in
entirely in the form of this mask technology. And of course, they also have a bunch of incredible software that guides you through breathwork exercises and different mental Fitness and emotional fitness programs and techniques through their IOS app breath Onyx and ultimately gives you access to something that's really going to allow you to reach the Peak Performance of those Yin States those states of surrender the states where you get to watch your resting heart rate drop and where you get
Find that heart residents and find all of the things that come not from the workouts you do in the gym, but the workouts working in as it's called rather than working out and silent mode is just a great piece of technology and a great piece of software that really allows you to access that potential. So go to silent mode.com - amp use the promo code amp and you're going to get 10% off the power mask and also note that you're going to get breath Onyx which is their iOS compatible app for
Three months for free and it's really dope. I mean, it's just one of those advances that I think is going to become more and more commonplace. And once you try it you realize oh, yeah, like this is the thing, you know, the Restriction of the light the addition of the sound and the instructions. It really makes something that you usually would have to go, you know, go to a breathwork class or and bring your blindfold. Well, it's all contained in one. So once again silent mode.com / amp 10% off
Three months free a breath Onyx. Thank you so much. It must be an interesting time because we haven't talked in a little while. You know, we spent that amazing time in Poland. But since then, you know, everybody is all of the advice is to wear a mask always people are wearing masks by themselves. And your whole thing is breathe motherfucker. Your whole thing is to allow yourself to take in that life force that Chi energy what the Chinese have been talking about for.
Years, you know bring in that life force energy and use that as your own way to heal your own body, but now everybody in such fear is just covering up their face and restricting their breathing really doing the opposite of everything that you showed was effective for a cytokine storm in Redwood. And if everything that you've shown through everybody you've worked with can actually heal the body bring it to a state of pristine Health. Yeah, and and now all of the advice is to do the opposite now.
Ever you want to believe about masks preventing the spread that's fine. But you also have to understand how powerful breath is. So it has to be a weird time for you as someone who's proven the benefits of breathing to see the whole world restricting their breathing with masks right? It's must be strange for
you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I not only I just see. Hey I'm a I must have I got a great future because I already uh proven to get this.
Cytokine storm down within a porter of our and first I did it and then I showed her whole group to be able within a couple of days to do the same what I did to bring the cytokine storm the damaging factor of covert down at will so how many trillions is that? How much power is that? That is the power I want to give to the people to
Them to their own power and to tackle this stupid problem created through whatever. I'm not into conspiracies or Power Systems mediatek the big Pharma but I say but them all because we have some power we got to stand up to and it's beautiful. It's love it's powerful. It's playful. It's the spiritual animal. Yes. Yeah.
Everybody is one is flying one is running what is crawling? What is just in his son? Like a lizard? It doesn't matter. They feel all great. That is the common factor. And that is what I wish to bring to everybody in the
world. And that's what you're bringing in another factor that you know something that was really apparent for me in Poland and was apparent in your story about Hank Community when you're with your brothers and sisters and they're all encouraging you and your together and this is another
Thing that during this this pandemic everybody's been saying is stay away from everybody. Everybody is dangerous. Well, I've seen firsthand how powerful it is when you get a group of people together supporting each other. That's what the human animal was supposed to be. That's when we lived in tribes when we lived as the indigenous people our ancestors. We were always together sitting in sweat lodge working hunting, you know, and that Community effort when people are they're encouraging. I mean, I remember when everybody was encouraging me and I went underneath the
the ice for you know, two minutes and 20 seconds under the ice in the pool back there. How did I do that? How did I do that? Thank you. How did I do that? It was with everybody there. Everybody was cheering me Jesse. It was counting off numbers and going wild and I could hear him. And even though I'm in a deep meditative Stillness under the ice. There's a little smile on my face. I knew all of them were there
and I was
holding buildings legs, you know underneath the water and and there's that's so valuable. It's
Valuable to get together as a group of a group of individuals a group of you know animals with souls and just come together and say now fuck this we are stronger ourselves and we're stronger together than we are even with ourselves. Yes. It's
this cells the cells the cells work on energy when you are open in a group then your body your cell and energetic processes they begin to work.
Stronger because you resonate with all the people you are open you become bigger that is love love for the omnipresence which is not something far away and not secluded in churches or temples or mosques. It is everywhere in nature. When you come together with a group of people and you are open they recognize who you are. You are not here to be blocked blocking everything.
Off you are here to be to be together. And with that saying what is happening now is social distancing is really hurting the DNA The genome Expressions course emotions directly have their stamp on the genome Expressions. It will create cancer. It will deregulate the gene Expressions, which is the cause of cancer and disease in general and
Russian because of the inflammation deregulation caused by social distancing is unnatural and it will deregulate what is going on in ourselves. It needs to move. It needs to go. It needs to touch. It's all there the energy when it floats is like a river and when the river is Flowing, it's great and it goes the right direction and the whole thing is full of bushes.
Deer and birds and that's our life. That's who we are. So when we begin to become individualized and no stay away stay away stay away stay away that affects directly on our genomes and it is unnatural and it is stressful. So what they are doing I say, it's not
good. It's
simply not good and how to bring down that what causes people to
To do that decide to can store Hammer just breathe motherfuckers and it's older.
Yeah, man. Yeah, man. Yeah, and that's it's such a it's such a both interestingly at this time a controversial message because people don't they've lost touch with how powerful that we really are and how powerful all these forces are and honestly the science, you know, the science is being very selective because you can look at the science and it'll show it off.
That the number one cause the number one predictor of early mortality early death is loneliness low. Number one. Dr. Vivek Murthy the former Surgeon. General said loneliness is more deadly than smoking a pack of cigarettes every day. It's more deadly than obesity. It's more deadly than any it's the number one predictor of early mortality. However, people are becoming more and more lonely. They're not paying attention to that because the fear the fear is getting into The Reptilian part of the
mind and everybody is so stuck in that they're not looking at the bigger picture. What is the cost of this? What is this doing to our children? What is this doing to our psychology? What is what are all of these things happening? Maybe this one thing is helpful for this small little issue. But what is the cost globally? What are we doing with all of the money that we could be spending to help heal the world of hunger and Heal the World of unsanitary water. But instead we're just pumping this money so that we can
I think that we're safe, but we're actually getting less safe. Maybe we're safe from this one little thing, but we're less safe from ourselves. We're less safe from the world. We're less than love with life. There's a big cost that a lot of people are not looking at
exactly it is the government's now they lose power they lose credibility because what they are doing is not factual. It's not factual. It's not signed to a the science shows compe.
Leet different story than what they are propagating what they are saying and they say it's so adamantly they say it's so clear like we you have to follow this otherwise, you will be fined and the police will come and this the whole system that people are in fear people out there because the so-called control of always the past Paradigm is going is collapsing. They had no way to
Hold on because the media tech companies this is very interesting for you too. I think you got it all of course, but hey, the angle mediatek is taken over the world and money money-wise. So money is the extension to love people in power. It were the government but now there is no money anymore and it's getting to this critical point. That's why I gave doing so strange all over the world, but
but it keeps on going and I say mediatek is the last power Paradigm before we get into Consciousness with before we awaken past. Our fear Media Tech is consciousness is communication communication Mother Nature had enough of us that it has playtime is over guys. You gotta wake up. Now you had a playdate enough you your killed almost and all the animals.
Yo, you shitting everywhere in the world. You took over innocence now. I know you are a young lad you gotta begin to think to awaken to who you are watch out and you know, what once you begin to learn that you are able to own your own mind than the unlimited power of the Mind. These are like big words looks like but it is not the unlimited power of the Mind.
It is with in our range and then if we are able to tap into our brain and I've shown this very closely in brain scans how to tap into the deepest part of the brain brain stem you were talking about the most primitive part and you know that the reptilian the dinosaur order to write us or
the urges to fuck the food the killing the anger.
All that and now we are able to tap into that very subtle and just buy it the power of the intention make it still May pacify it to have become absolute control over it. This is top-down regulation and the thing I saved from that because it's evidence-based it is shown and now I tell everybody wake up to
And learn how to own your own mind then once you own your own mind you wake up to the power of your own mind fear will subside like snow in
the sun Mmm Yeah.
Well and I was worried that the fear of death as well. I because hey we are not here to live just temporary and then the light is Switched Off. No man is forever.
At eight indestructible and eternal so that's why there is no fear because here you you just go up. We we just have to change the Paradigm and for the rest have great fun here in the world. I love that your existence every day and be strong about it.
So one of the one of the ways that you always talk about is through the breath through the cold but there was an example you wrote In the book. And actually I'd love first of all I want to say that I loved when I was reading the book it sounded like you, you know, like I was I was worried that it would sound like somebody who helped you write it but it's the book sounded exactly like you and it and it made me happy when I was reading it, but you talked about how you were on stage and you're on stage and they actually put a infrared heat sensing.
Right on your hand. Yeah, do your thing your hand up? Yeah, and they said can you alter the temperature of your hand and you didn't have time to go into a bunch of different breathing you had you had to try to alter the temperature of your hand which everybody could see a big audience could see on a projector you had one minute to do it. That seems like something different that seems like you're just using your mind tell us tell us what you were able to do because you were actually able to succeed in doing this. So tell that story until
Tell us how you were able to alter the temperature of your hand.
So first of all, our stress mechanisms inside our body are regulated by the hypothalamus.
hypothalamus and which is the d-brane it connects also with the brain stem and the mid brain the limbic system and The Reptilian and we are supposed to have no control over that the thermoregulation is there which is stress eater stress called a stress that's environmental stress the animals that come that is stress emotional stress mental strength all is danger and as
all being regulated by the hypothalamus we had no control that was we are supposed to have no control within the scientific Paradigm. So they asked me a win. Can you change the temperature in the hand which is done by the hypothalamus, but normally you have no control over the hypothalamus. So actually you put me in that corner because I he is a you
Man, I think he's a human. Yeah, he looks like a human. So he has no control according to the scientific Paradigm about regulating his temperature within his hand and to raise its a 12 degrees within one minute. That is not possible when I did it. I did it I said, I don't know if I can do that, but just give it a shot guys. You can see it all on the big screen 3 meters or 4.
Is big and then color changed from Blue to rat and that is infrared camera. And then they did it again within a brain scans and they saw me regulating my temperature while being exposed to ice cold water on my skin just by using the thought making the skin temperature not going down.
That is learning that is dealing with stress. And in the beginning of the conversation you said if you go into the pain, if you go into the freezing your balls off cold water, then you go into the paint and you learn to pacify that means your neurologically begin to connect with the hypothalamus that what the atomic part of the autonomous nervous system that is neurologically connected.
With your will and you're suddenly able to deal not only with cold and heat but also emotional stress mental stress stress of daily life anything.
And then you begin to open up to the power of the mind because when you are able to get into the depth of the Mind suddenly you're out where nobody has gone before that is what if you are able to go into the deepest at will within your own brain where else can you not go then the Journey of the power of the mind is a really starting the Journey of the spirituality and now I come to the ancestor.
Which is the subconscious which is also inside the brain and we are able now at will to tap into it. I simplified it. I wanted it. This was my mission to bring it to the eye of everybody in the world because I don't believe in War I don't believe in abuse and cruelty in anger. I believe in love. I believe in that it is such a great place where we live before I go it's done.
It's going to be done. So yeah, there you go to help me. I was
you good guy with him and with your brother to the very end brother to the very end.
So I know so many of you have been waiting for onic kettlebells to be back in stock and they're starting to arrive and starting to come back in stock. So thank you for your patience with all of that. But I am really happy to let all of you know that we have all of the mesas and all of the steel clubs fully in stock. Now, this is something that takes a moment to learn how to use but once you do they're absolutely as versatile and is effective as the kettlebells. It's just different types of training all that rotational training when the
Persian Warrior Elite developed this training methodology in the 12th century. It was really to train functional strength. And that's really what we need. Of course. Like yeah, if you want your ego to have huge packs and giant biceps fine go do curls and go to some kind of Smith brass machine and just work out those muscles and body build. But if you want functional strength to be able to do stuff to be able to have speed and power and Agility mace training and Club training is
Really Second To None because the body doesn't move in linear patterns in real life. So check it out. Of course. There's the on it six programming that will lead you through a six-week routine. But just the mesas and clubs himself. Not only do you get a workout but you get the enjoyment of making up your own flows and experimenting and learning a new skill and it just feels bad ass. I promise you like out of all of the equipment. It's the mace that I go to first. I have it out by my pool. I have one in my garage. I have one in Sedona. I'll
always go to the maze because I know if I just swing that around for 10 15 minutes. I'm going to get a dope full body workout and I'm going to have some fun doing it. So go to on it.com Aubrey and you're going to get 10% off all the mesas and all the clubs and it's always 10% at on at.com / Aubrey. So please check it out. Of course the on it six program as well there. So I would love to see you guys swinging the mace tag me in your photos doing it and tag me in your videos.
As you learn new stuff and I'll repost the ones that I love the best because I really do think that this type of training is something the world can deeply benefit from on a.com slash Aubrey. Thanks Pam. I want to go through the technique a little more because what you're saying is the resistance training you've been training by you by going into the cold and training yourself to maintain that warmth to maintain that peace when everything is crashing down and your body is screaming. This is too cold. This is too cold.
You as the captain of your own Starship say no it's not we're fine. We're safe. And so that is actually tapping into that same force that hypothalamus that part of your brain that is allowing your animal to say no. No. No, we're fine. I know better, you know my soul. My love knows better knows that we're safe. And so that's the training but nonetheless I still don't understand how with your hand on the screen for one minute you're able to convince your body to change the temperature of your hand.
12 degrees which is what you did. So is it visualization? Are you imagining that your hand gets hot or like what is the what is the technique in your brain? What are you actually doing?
First of all, it's nothing complicated.
Second of all, if you owe your own mind, you are not busy with other things than what you are busy with and with what you are busy for what you need to be doing within your path. You will be able to crush the rocks and remove it from the path, whatever they whatever shape they come don't think it is. Not that it. Oh it's not a circus act. It is life itself its spirituality.
The spirit is not to be stopped. It wants to expand expand expand expand and you have all the tools to do the impossible to so-called impossible. And then you see that the light is miraculous because sometimes you leave your thought of a I can't do this. I can't do know that is suddenly a miracle happens. It's called life life is not to be stopped to be fully realized.
Aged, we and the soul is there here it is man, and we are stronger than death. We are stronger than the society and the systems we bring love we bring love for the generations for the animals. We are the protectors and with anybody and you rock any blockage that comes in my way. It will really will be removed. Is it through me or through the miracle? I don't care. It's going to be done
because I
Mmm, and so I still don't is it it do you visualize though? Is there a what you're talking about is the amazing Focus its opening
yourself to the real world. I tell him he is here's the technique.
In the morning when I had to go to the university to show in a brain scan what nobody was able to show after 74 test subjects being having been being exposed by Icy water upon their skin all of them. They could only use their thoughts their mental power because in a brain scan, you cannot breathe. You cannot do contractions or
Muscles you can't do those things because you get a blurt money toe. So no trickery that is not possible. So that morning after I did as a test subject number 75, I did what everybody was doing. I did nothing with my mind and my skin temperature just went down it went down like everybody after exposure of icy water.
ER it went down and then they saw in my brain that I was acting like everybody that means I prefrontal cortex already your Consciousness in stress because it's cold and cold is not nice. So that is activated and insula, which is like meditative lounging relaxed was very low Betty Blue Fairy right now Dundee day three I had to do what the Iceman is doing. I don't know.
Don't do it.
that morning. I got this message of these guys. Okay later. I have to show what I'm doing. What's the difference? I got to make the difference because these people have been preparing this experiment research for what I have here these professors authorities in the field and now I got to show it.
So I began to think and this was like a dilemma. So whenever you got a dilemma, that's where it starts because you really gotta do something about a situation. What is going to happen. You don't know you don't know there you are left alone within yourself.
then suddenly it came with the imminence of the danger. My images came me being amongst Everest and lost in a world wide Arch or under the eyes. And then I so always in those moments. I was relaxed. No paranoia that I was completely within my control always before going into a challenge. I knew I can trust my
My feeling Instinct intuition, it's all at work. I can do this better be be Seekers calling me. Yeah. Yeah, they call you the ice man. Do you want to be around part an episode like the Extraordinary People the ADEA man on wire the Birdman and a Spider-Man and you are the Iceman. Fuck. Yeah. Well that, you know and myself. Thank you and then I had no idea but I felt that.
Moment. Oh, yes are you know what? I'm not the runner I'm gonna do a marathon in shorts and mid-January beyond the polar Circle. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes these people from the BBC and two months later. I was doing a marathon intros beyond the polar Circle in midwinter and successfully and all these times. I followed my feeling and that feeling that morning day in Detroit in artificial.
By setting a brain scan for God's sake that's not nature. It's the human
nature. It's strange
that I saw all these images of before. Okay. Just trust this is what you always did in nature you you were there at you trust it this feeling and then you did it and it always succeeded and and they're dropped a little die with him bang. I was
Nothing anymore. I went whistling to the to the university called a look at those beautiful Burton amazing amazing and then they got me into the brain scan and it just happened. I watched off course till I got to show it now. I gotta give just by best just be here just be here. And then man I did not feel the cold at all. I was so
relaxed for the 40 minutes or so cold warm cold warm and and then they saw miraculous things. They saw that we don't understand and they checked me if the sensor was rightly righteously stuck on my body and all and it was and the professor had difficulties putting ice into the pump water.
And to cool it down because I was warming up the water without doing anything. That is the power of your mind. You are able just go back trust find your intuition Your Instinct they know your spiritual animal it knows and dime you are able to tackle anything that comes to you. No worries. No fear that
That's a beautiful way to describe it because it's what you're really saying is it's not a technique. It's not some strategy that you have. It's you really trust in yourself. If you believe in yourself, you put yourself in enough difficult positions and come through that you trust yourself and your body's your body's natural Divine intelligence to figure it out and you must believe it. Yes. Exactly.
Another thing then they looked inside the brain and they saw
Ami activating a part of the brain they thought of within Medical Science Psychiatry, we cannot as humans tap in to that part of the brain, which is the periaqueductal even even more Primal than the brainstem is the periaqueductal gray atmosphere. This is the place where we are if we would have connection with it and everybody has because I found a way then
We would be able to generate and activate opioids and cannabinoids that means and that's the good shit. That's the good shit and it makes people independent makes people powerful the a able to control they don't need doctors because of the pain pain causes fear dependency. You are no longer need that you got the periaqueductal a big deal.
Her inside pharmacist inside and you can ask him anything anytime for anything you got.
What freedom and what power to be able I mean there was a movie it was a science fiction movie. I think it was called Lucy where she was able to access all aspects of her brain and she was a superhero, but what you're showing is that that's less about fiction and it's more about reality. It's more about what's possible for all of us if we train ourselves if we surrender to the mystery if we understand what we're capable of and then the freedom and the joy of that and that's you know, that's the other thing that
That's so incredible about you is you know, so you have the contrast of you had your wife Elijah and Elisha had a really hard time with her mind, you know, and she was she was depressed and she was anxious and terrified and went through all of the different medical models. I mean all the prescription pills you even said injections all of the therapies everything and she couldn't she couldn't get she couldn't tap into that animal that that was able to free herself and able to enjoy
Life and ultimately she took her life. Yeah, and that must have given you some motivation there, you know, because you loved her dearly that motivation is say I don't want this to happen. I don't want what happened to alya to happen to any other humans, you know, I want to prove that there's a different way that something else is possible.
Exactly and that's exactly what we found. We found a way to tackle our own mental disorder in whatever.
Is the mental disorder we found a way that a rebalances the mental disorder that rebalances the hormonal imbalance of dopamine and serotonin make ourselves feel good cannabinoids make the tomato a pain go away opioids. There is an opioid crisis now going on people have been made so dependent that that that that that looks like a dead end Street.
Oh, we cannot do anything and now we got to opioid crisis and we gon do guys wake up opioids cannabinoids dopamine serotonin adrenaline. It's all at your Pete. The pharmacist is waiting for you to open up the door and it's here and it's not difficult it's there. And with that we can also relieve ourselves from the trauma of the passed genetically. It's
All day that's why we have a mind A Beautiful Mind is a mind that is as as a servant to us and it loves us and it gives
love the mind is a better servant than a master, you know, because the master should be the master should be the sole now. I want to talk to you about performance because we've talked about a lot of the healing ways, but the breath work is incredibly valuable for performance and you give a story in your book where so I think
Someone was challenging you or maybe it was a world record how long you could do the horse stance now for people who don't know the horse stance is you spread your legs open and you drop your butt down and you keep your back straight and it's a lot of extreme strain on the thighs after a long time and you're like, you know what I'm gonna go out there. I'm going to do it for three hours. But first give me a beer.
Yeah that this guy was saying it was question and answers. I win. I see you're drinking.
Beers and BSR like intoxication I said listen, if you I go fucker. I have my control Within Myself and you know what? I will show it. I'm gonna go out there stay for three hours Barefoot in the snow in a horse that thing is first you have to serve me a bit and he went so fast to get me a beer man.
And a half hour later, I was outside and it's all filmed. So it's there. Barefoot in the snow for three hours. I did add that is simply at a certain moment. I just got enough of people morally saying what I have to do yes or no. I got my control. Do you have yours make sure you got because it's beautiful it control controlling.
In the mind that the real control of the mind is learning how to let
And so what you're doing there is you're changing what's physiologically possible because there's lactic acid that supposed to build up. There's the muscle fatigue but through your own breath. I mean let alone we understand that you can keep your feet warm. We've talked about that. But what is the it's the same. I'm sure it's the same mechanism but somehow in some way you're changing the way the physiology is responding to the muscular
strain. Oh, yeah. We have a lately shown the
a study was about to Cori cycle and the Cori cycle is simply saying that what changes lactate into glucose and glucose you can go on lactate if you just stop so we have found a way through the breathing now listen well because this is completely do just come up with this here now. It's a new insight. It's always
I'm going man, but the study is there we have shown to make the lactate go very fast into glucose in the liver. This is after the last big study we did with robot which is going to get out in the coming months Publications, which is done three years three and a half years ago already and now it's getting into publication and it shows once again the autonomic nervous system the end of
Green system the blah blah blah blah blah blah the whole thing. Once again, that's great because this was all thought of impossible but looking at performance we want are we able to rapidly change lactate into glucose or performance? That is great and I tell you it is we showed it with Mal a malleable metabolomics metabolomics are the energetic Parts within the cell.
A dead show they did thousands of little metabolomics and analyzing and they saw through the breathing that the metabolomics were changing lactate into glucose. Rapidly normally not done but here it was done. And then then when you have when I meet and you going to trade for
example with the
say I'm training now with the bar 10
He loves like 20 pounds turn it turn it turn it. If you do it a hundred times 200 times. Hey, babe, fuck your shit up there. Hey, the lactate is there but then now put your mind then the other day I say now put your mind.
And then with the mind you will be able to go for 600. What is that to change the lactate into glucose just by the aid of your mind which preliminary was trained by breathing.
So the breathing alkalizes the body which is also against soreness but then the neurotransmitters for a performance because if you do this 30 times you do pushups sadly UW push-ups even without breathing because you changed the biochemistry. That's what you learned and then within the mind it learns to neurologically change the biochemistry.
Just by using the
mind so that's amazing. I want to talk. So now let's go work. We're kind of coming towards the end here and I want to talk practicality for just beginning. I know man. We are just beginning what this is ongoing. This is for life my brothers for life, right also breathing for breathing for a variety of different things. So there's the breath work for performance breath work for information breath work for mood breath fork for meditation.
What is the what is the different ways that you teach this because I know with the push-ups, for example, you'll often have do often times have people do the 30 30 or so breath 3050 breaths and you'll have them hold the breath at the top right you hold the breath at the top when you're doing the push-ups. What is it? What is the reason for holding the breath at the top when you're doing something like push-ups and holding in that hyper oxygenated State?
Yeah, two ways to do the part of push-ups.
Through this deep breathing you alkalize your body. The pH is going to go up this prove it by size done when the pH is up. Then the oxygen trigger. The carbon dioxide trigger is down. So it takes a long time for the carbon dioxide to build up the soreness in the body to build up.
That is influencing into the biochemistry doing the push-ups. Now if you do this deep breathing and then at the top and now breathe in and hold what happens after the installation is that you really surprised the flap inflammation in the body effectively. That's why is anybody with an autoimmune disease? I always say okay dude with the push-ups, but only on the x-axis inhale.
On the inhale and and they Astound themselves that the inflammation is not
there. They feel
I can do it. I can do it shit. But if you have no inflammation, if you have no condition like that, then I'll say just exhale and hold and do push-ups and then you are able to Astound yourself because you change the biochemistry becoming alkaline, which is the under the foundation for.
That's neurotransmitters acetylcholine at you go and keep on going because there's no resistance is no soreness. There's Alkali and it keeps on God and you know, we could make people on an exhale. I mean normal people within a week. I can make them go or without after the exhalation to do 50 pushups.
Normal people, you know people not trained but people who are trade I bear let's go for the hundred on one arm.
So, okay. So if I'm getting this, right if there is like an inflammatory process going on in the body, you do recommend that they hold the breath on the inhale and if there's no inflammatory process you recommend that they hold the body at kind of one atmosphere down not all the way out. This was something you taught us in Poland. You don't breathe it out like yeah. Yeah out you just breathe it down to kind of neutral bottom. Yes, and then and then you do
Whatever activity you're going to do their your breath holds or your physical activity
Amaze yourself because we are the Alchemists.
So we should be able to do more than what's us thought possible more than thought possible is the thought a joint to the conditioning we have learned but there is much more than the thought able within the moment and the breath is the guide it brings it. It just changes it within two minutes what the fuck it's only two minutes man, and you can see that I'm right that nature is
Right that the brightest right the breath of life. And with that you are able to go past our schooled Paradigm into the depth. And now there is going to show into the ancestral DNA the burden of the trauma and get it out get it a lot and into the lymphatic system, which was thought of inaccessible in the spine lymphatic knots and now we have shown to get in there and with that.
Also, we take away the course of auto immune diseases because that's the lymphatic acidic long time. It's like garbage inside the depth of the body at a certain moment. It gets into the body. It says you don't take care of me here. You got it. That's out immune disease and this year are not my sayings. These are professors saying after they saw the results of my training with
Rod boat University so this is where we change the perspective once we got loose of this way. We are schooled in our confusion that and straight of our capabilities now see that we are able to get into our oh for God's sake our own mind then we can feel freedom. The sense of freedom is the ability to go within your own mind anywhere where you need to go. That is this.
Sense, that is the eagle the native is back. We are the
Oh, I hope all right. So if you're if you when you are coaching Alistair Overeem, he's got to go do an MMA fight a lot of cardio a lot of strength a lot of things how many rounds of breathing were you instructing him to do and at how soon before the fight so that we can all imagine if we have a workout if we have a physical competition if we have something that we need to do how many rounds of breathing do you hold the breath of the top or the bottom if you're if you're doing it for performance
When you do it for performance just do a couple of rounds that has shown itself to effectively change the alkalinity within the body and that's what you want. You won't alkalinity not only like on the surface but also into the depth because when you are in the fight, then the depth will be exerted and when it is alkaline you keep on going where the other one is battling his acidic state of
Vedic system. So there you got you an advantage. So three four rounds that will I would suggest and when you feel anxiety because Alistair told me and I felt so peaceful before a match even approaching the the ring and Arena. I was just be myself. Wow that that is another thing you are able through following the breath to regulate.
Your own mood. It's amazing. They are the capabilities of ours to remain in control and at peace observing in difficult situations as come to us and difficult situations is not only a match. It's also daily life. It's emotional despair. It's a mental mental whatsoever because she got screwed and this and that creating all that.
Stress you are able to learn to observe because you are through the breath the the master over your mind and it shows because the mind is being carried through their life force. And when the life force is okay, the mind says even when you have problems you are still in peace. It's amazing how that works. So in these days of anxiety, it is time that the people wake up to be themselves.
Because these Governors and these presidents and these canes they are full of shit. They are full of the past Paradigm. It's over it's done. They better breathe and begin to become independent of a power system that doesn't work anymore. We have the power within us. Let's
get to it.
So if you're breathing to just get over your own anxiety your breathing to get over your own troubles your own depressions your own lack of energy. Is it any different than how you breathe for performance? Is there a different strategy or a different method or is it pretty much the same you do a couple rounds you hold your breath. If you have inflammation, you hold it at the Top If you don't have information you hold it, you know at the bottom is is it is it
really is a mighty
intention? Hmm. It's the
power of your
in your intention is neurology. It demands the body to be ready. So you're feeling will guide you your intuition Your Instinct it knows exactly and it feeling is the understanding, you know, what is going to happen. You got to go into a match. You got to go into a job as solicitation. You gotta go for a big travel from here today and do this and that that's all program. It knows exactly.
What kind of biochemistry it needs how much it needs and you will feel it. We are the masters of our mind and the captains of our soul and the native is back and it's full of love for everything there
Amen. Amen. Amen. When would you lead us through lead us through around the breathing, please and we'll all do it for everybody who's everybody who's listening to this podcast, you know, when you're listening to it if you have the opportunity and you're not, you know, driving a car or in some place where you can if you can get some place where you can relax just breathe with us and give people one round to give people around of experience of what it's like to do the Wim Hof breathing and also let them know the method, you know, how you actually take
Breaths how you release the breaths and and bring us all through a round of your breath work practice and we'll all do it here with you. Great.
What we are going to do in medical perspective is activating the adrenal axis. And the adrenal axis. Is that what resets the body you will feel great afterwards like relaxed. Yeah the stresses out. Why because you got the big broom and the big broom is the adrenaline.
Spiking within you caused by this breathing exercise and this bridge they compared the amount you being relaxed lying or sitting on a sofa doing this breathing exercise. The amount of adrenaline was more than somebody going into its first bungee jump
So that is amazing. It's bloody amazing and not o not only it's amazing because of that when you are 80 or 90 years you still are able to do
My oldest participant is 98 years right now. She loves it and she told her sister 96 years old. They love it. It's the mammalian, you know the animal it's there here I go.
cops so relaxed
then we go food in
through your mouth through your nose. It doesn't matter don't matter anymore. Don't mind about it. Just follow the breath who lie in
let him go.
Let It Go
Let it go. So simple so effective
we forgot about this. But this is the way to reconnect with a deepest of our
physiology and you
will see it works for everybody. Just follow the breath
letting go
Letting Go like a rhythm the lies
written like a wave that comes in who's back to the depth like a wave that comes
in who's back to the depth.
The soul is here like a wave the life energy back to the soul.
Like a wave the lives
energy back to the soul.
that Engel
so simple so deep Who Do Ya
Think on your own Rhythm
fooling that Ingo becoming
lightheaded tingling. Of course, the biochemistry is changing deeply inside our bodies.
Anything that is acidic is going out. You become alkaline electricity Delight. It all
flows. Just a
biochemistry is nice no stress anymore. Who is
Letting Go
Who is 15 more come on, 3040 doesn't matter as you feel letting go.
Put ya Letting Go Johnny all guys. No thinking just do it.
We did the research. It's all dead. So simple so beautiful as you are who live go.
Who live go?
Eight more who is
Lango seven who did
in that anger?
life or Z
bullshit out live for Z all the shit out life or Z.
like pores in cleaning pansy all gonna come two more
Let It Go
Let It Go here
comes the last one who is
that it
go and stop after the
exhalation Stop close your mouth and be
relax and Witness
So simple you are the Alchemists Rejoice.
You are the one.
That when did you the depth of the DNA? So the marrow deep is of the brain it's happening. All right. Now it's not complicated just do it
which you are born the beautiful amazing and strong there. We are
manipulating it all now because the oxygen goes down stay in oxygen goes dramatically.
Down we go into the brain
stem the survival.
So what
happens is activating the adrenal Peak peaking within the body and you reset the body?
Let's say 10
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Boolean.
will you hit alt and squeeze it all to your hat? This is cerebrospinal fluid to the midbrain blood flow.
It's all show it three more squeeze more two more why and Let It Go.
Oh man, it's unbelievable. And and you know what every time I breathe I say to myself I'm going to do it every day and then days go by and I don't do it and do it reminds
reminds me how there's not a single thing that I can do. That's more impactful and another beautiful thing that happens and we experienced this in Poland. I'm experiences guiding hundreds of people through breath work is it releases a lot of emotion emotion that you had stored inside the animal that
trauma that we've been talking about it'll start to come out as we recognize how strong we are how powerful our we are how free we are in all the shackles start to break and all the backpacks of pain that we've been holding everything that we've been keeping inside and drinking our coffee and having her nicotine in fighting our way through we get to let it go and in that moment where we're free the tears flow our heart opens, and we realized that we love life and what happens
Over and over and over again and all we have to do we don't have to take a drug. We are the drug the breath is the drug. Yeah, there we are
a man that sounds like poetry and that it is poetry is saying what life is all about between the words. There is the void that drives you saying this and that is poetry and that should be like they say in the old scriptures every
Step a dance every word a song and let it be
poetry. Like what you just did.
You're my spiritual brother. Let's change the
world. Let's change the world my man and I'm gonna end this with what you wrote in your book, which I thought was really beautiful a way to kind of give some final words here. So you wrote let go of your ego and instead reflect that which connects us, which is love.
Let go of your thoughts and your stress and open up to your heart. It is only when you let go that you will truly be able to reconnect with the whole universe with the nature buried deep within your cells. Let go and allow your soul to rise in your Consciousness. The soul is eternal indestructible and perhaps more importantly Incorruptible. Let go and become the king or queen you were meant to be
I know you can do it I believe in you. That's
Yes, that's
probably and we got all the signs now.
So it's going to happen the Love Is Gonna and DOW on this planet. We got it bring it first to the thousands and hundred thousands of millions than billions and then everywhere and that is a new atmosphere of Love
around this planet is
and that is the destiny within this universe a planet full of love beautiful light.
The age of love the age of Love is imminent and through all the darkness through all of the challenge through all the manipulation that we're seeing right now just know that through the resistance just like when we go into the cold and we push ourselves into the pain and we have courage to face that fear. We have to have that same courage to face everything that's going on in the collective because on the other side the strength of Love within us will grow and the age of love will be upon us. Thank you so much.
So much my brother. Yeah, thank you so much. I love you
so that it's all there and we got to keep on and become so strong in the light amazing
amazing. Yes, beautiful. So everybody the Wim Hof method activate your full human potential your new book is out. It's phenomenal. I'm so glad that you wrote a book yourself. There's been a lot of books written about you. I wrote about you in my book, but this is a book in your voice and it's fucking awesome, man, and there's tons of exercises. It's
I can't recommend this more highly to anybody. So I hope everybody listening checks out the book because it's awesome.
Great that thanks Marcus Aubrey Marcus Marcus Aurelius. We are making history. I tell him
and we are standing here like the empress.
And this time the war is on the war on darkness and confusion and we bring light Clarity love and there is no other way.
Boo to the end brother
and we have fun while doing
We will always thank you everybody. Appreciate you so much. Love. I'll see you next week. Thanks for tuning in to myself and women Hof his book The Wim Hof method activate your full human potential is available everywhere. It's a great book that tells his story and also gives the details about his method. I hope you guys are thriving breathing strong healthy happy as whim likes to say and all of these practices I know can be helpful. So thanks for tuning in. I love you, and I'll see you next week.